TWG – Policy and Practices

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Thematic Working Groups (TWGs) are subgroups of the European Evaluation Society (EES) that bring together members who share common interests.  TWGs are meant to encourage progress towards evaluation excellence and influence in Europe and beyond. They address salient public policy concerns, specialized domains of evaluation practice and topical issues that shape the role of evaluators in society. Their activities are carried out on a voluntary basis to promote EES objectives.


Many TWGs will be needed to span the breadth and depth of the evaluation discipline and to encourage exploration of issues most relevant to the advancement of evaluation research, methods, governance and practices. Members are therefore invited to submit proposals for new TWGs compliant with the goals and principles that animate the Society and the rules of engagement outlined in this note.

TWG Approval

The set up of a TWG is approved on a preliminary basis by the EES Board based on a written submission put forward by an EES member in good standing. The submission should include a title and a cogent rationale for the TWG as well as a bio of the proposed TWG leader. Final approval of a TWG is granted based on a work program proposal and confirmation of interest in joining the TWG by at least ten EES members in good standing.

TWG Leadership

The proposed TWG leader should have the capability to (i) provide principled guidance and intellectual leadership to the Group and (ii) commit sufficient time to the task. TWG leaders may be replaced following board approval.

TWG Termination

Dormant TWGs, i.e. TWGs that have carried out minimal activities throughout a full year, lose their franchise to operate and are dissolved by the board.

Joining a TWG

Members join TWGs through updating their personal profile after login on the EES website. They furnish profiles and contact information to the EES Secretariat in a form suitable for display on the website.  Only EES members may join a TWG. They may join up to three TWGs. An institutional member may nominate up to five employees for participation in TWGs.

Operating Modalities

The TWG leader may invite individual TWG participants to contribute in various ways, e.g. to animate discussion lists, review books, share expertise, mentor new evaluators, etc. No mandatory obligation beyond carrying out TWG activities in a proper and ethical way is imposed on TWG participants except EES membership.

TWGs organize themselves as they see fit to achieve their goals. They use the opportunity offered by EES Biennial Conferences and other EES events to meet, sponsor sessions, display their work and/or get together to plan their work. They are self-managed and have broad latitude in deciding the objectives, priorities and modalities of their activities.

They may decide to sponsor publications, organize meetings and workshops, set up social networks or discussion lists, etc. The main portal for connecting to a TWG is through the EES website. Substantive TWG content, links, chat rooms etc. are only accessible to EES members.

TWG members including the TWG leader are not remunerated. EES may advance or grant limited funds for special TWG projects subject to board approval. Activities that involve significant expenditures are normally self-financed based on submissions approved by the board.

TWG Governance

The leader of an individual TWG:

  • plans and oversees TWG activities
  • ensures that they are conducted in ways that do not cause damage to the Society’s reputation
  • keeps TWG members and the TWG Coordinator informed about Group activities
  • manages the content of web based communications with EES and TWG members based on protocols approved by the EES board
  • produces an annual report