Individual Membership Benefits

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Reduced Fees and Priority Access for EES Events
Access Academic Publications and Events
Networking, Increasing Your Visibility, & Information Sharing Opportunities
  • Participate in the Thematic working groups – TWG and be publicly listed as a member on their webpages
  • Receive regular emails from the EES Secretariat about current events and opportunities that are of interest to the evaluation community
  • Advertise evaluation jobs on the EES website, newsletter, and social media channels
  • Access the up-to-date database of all national VOPEs in Europe, as well as other evaluation societies and networks
  • Network via an EES members-only portal and sharing publications (forthcoming)
Free Access to All EES Products & Archives
  • Monthly EES newsletter “EuropEval Digest” sent exclusively in electronic form, with permanent access to past issues
  • EES podcast EvalEdge
  • EES Blog
  • GEKIWIKI, a curated database on Gender and Evaluation resources (courtesy of TWG 1)
  • Recordings of EES’ online events series
Full Access Evaluation-Specific Resources
Ability to influence EES’ direction and activities
  • Participate in the Annual General Meeting
  • Participate in various Thematic working groups – TWG
  • Provide feedback via our annual membership survey
  • Contribute to EES’ products (listed above)
  • Suggest new ways to interact with EES – we’re open to ideas!
  • Help contribute to the development of evaluation culture across Europe