gLOCAL Evaluation Week – sharing local and global M&E knowledge

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Date(s) - 01/06/2020 - 05/06/2020
All Day


Don’t miss gLOCAL evaluation week, happening 1-5 June! Help promote gLOCAL week through your networks and encourage them to participate!

Location: Everywhere! Sessions hosted by event organizers will take place around the world.

gLOCAL Evaluation Week is a designated week convened by the CLEAR Initiative in association with local, regional, and global partners, and is held on an annual basis.

Institutions around the world may participate by organizing an event in their city or virtually to foster a dialogue on M&E practices and issues that are relevant to their local context.

The inspiration for the gLOCAL Evaluation Week comes from the acknowledgement of the two forces that are shaping today’s evaluation landscape, where global knowledge informs local evaluation practices and local experiences influence global evaluation thinking.

Learn more at and check out the gLOCAL event calendar for events that are going to be held in your region. 

For more information please download the concept note and brief presentation below.