EES Webinar Series: Emerging Data Landscapes in M&E Getting Practical with Text Mining in Evaluation: How To Make Sense of Project Information

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Date(s) - 15/04/2021
14:00 - 15:30


The next webinar in EES’ ongoing series “Emerging Data Landscapes in M&E” is co-hosted by Thematic Working Group 6 Methods and Designs, and will focus on how evaluators can use text mining techniques to make the most out of the data in project documents and descriptions. While the webinar will cover both the conceptual and technical aspects of these methods, the practical focus will be on how new users can implement them. Through three case studies from DEval and Norad, the presentations and discussion will focus on text mining’s potential, pitfalls, and “how to” tips to get started.


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Speakers Speaker 1: Thomas Wencker, Evaluator, DEval Thomas leads evaluations on German development cooperation. His current work at DEval focuses on development cooperation in fragile contexts, patterns of aid allocation, state-capacity building, and dynamics of intra-state conflict.
Speaker 2: Javier Fabra-Mata PhD, Senior Advisor, Evaluation Department, Norad Before joining the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), Javier was responsible for the global evaluation & research function at Norwegian Church Aid. Prior to that, he worked for various UN agencies on analysis and evaluation in the fields of international development, peace and security.
Speaker 3: Lea Smidt, Evaluator, DEval Lea has been working in policy evaluation in the fields of international cooperation and social protection. In her current project at DEval, she has integrated text mining for analysing human rights mainstreaming in Germany’s development policy.
ModeratorAlena Lappo, EES Board Member An evaluation specialist, Alena has over eight years of experience in analysis and research, most recently for the OECD, the World Bank IEG, FAO’s Independent Office of Evaluation and IFAD.
Discussant: Estelle Raimondo, PhD, EES Board Member Estelle is an evaluation methods expert who leads evaluations of international development programs and trains teams on a wide range of evaluation methodologies. She is a faculty member of IPDET and adjunct faculty at the George Washington University.  



Time (CEST) Session Speakers / Facilitators
14:00-14:10 Introduction / icebreaker / present panellists and agenda Daniele Lamarque, EES President Alena Lappo, EES Board Member
14:10-14:20 Session 1:  GEOTEX: A tool to geocode project locations based on project documents Thomas Wencker, DEval
14:20-14:25 Clarifying questions on Session 1 Facilitated by Alena Lappo, EES Board Member
14:25-14:35 Session 2:  Automated project classification using textual information in aid statistics: an example from the Women, Peace and Security portfolio Javier Fabra-Mata, Norad
14:35-14:40 Clarifying questions on Session 2 Facilitated by Alena Lappo, EES Board Member
14:40-14:50 Session 3:  Using Machine Learning for Analysing Human Rights Mainstreaming in Development Project Documents Lea Smidt, DEval
14:50-14:55 Clarifying questions on Session 3 Facilitated by Alena Lappo, EES Board Member
14:55-15:25 Q&A Facilitated by Estelle Raimondo, EES Board Member
15:25-15:30 Wrap up Alena Lappo, EES Board Member