2013 EES Seminar – Evaluation in Democracy: ‘Public Hearing‘ at the European Parliament

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Date(s) - 10/04/2013
All Day


Location: Brussels, Belgium

The ´Public Hearing` on Evaluation in Democracy, organised by the European Evaluation Society (EES)  and hosted by Tarja Cronberg, MEP was held on April 10, 2013, at the European Parliament Building in Brussels. The programme can be downloaded below.

Summary of the event:

The main purpose of this one-day workshop was to stimulate debate and innovative thinking about the potential role of evaluation in the European Parliament and the European Commission. The event was intended to encourage collaboration among European evaluation institutions and the expanding European evaluation community of practice.

You can view the presentations approved for publication by speakers below.

For any questions please contact secretariat@europeanevaluation.org.

Please download a special issue of the EES Newsletter (Connections) on “Evaluation in Democracy” here.

