14th EES Biennial Conference: Evaluation in an Uncertain World: Complexity, Legitimacy and Ethics

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Date(s) - 06/06/2022 - 10/06/2022
All Day


NEW DATES! 6-10 June 2022

Theme: Evaluation in an Uncertain World: Complexity, Legitimacy and Ethics
Conference website: https://www.ees2022.eu/

As the COVID-19 situation unfolds and with Government measures across Europe to contain the pandemic likely to continue for some time, the safety of conference participants and workers is a priority. We regret therefore to announce the postponement of EES 2020. The conference has been rescheduled to 6-10th June 2022 in the same venue in Copenhagen. Professional Development Workshops will take place on the 6th and 7th June 2022 and the full conference on the 8-10th June. “ For more information please visit the EES Conference website.

A new call for abstracts will be open from 1-31 October 2021. Full details will be posted shortly. In the meantime, make sure to check out EES Online Conference 6-10 September here.