Evaluation in Times of COVID-19

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In light of these unprecedented times with the outbreak of Covid-19, may sectors are having to adapt their ways of working. 

The field of evaluation is no different – we too will have to rethink how we can continue to carry out our work and collect data under such circumstances.

To help disseminate the plethora of information and guidance out there on this topic, EES has created a repository of knowledge. Resources range from providing technical guidance on new data collection methods and technologies, to hearing from leading experts on how they expect the field to change in the post-Covid-19 era.

Our compiled list of relevant articles, blog posts, trainings etc. is available here.

In the spirit of data sharing, this list is open to all. While we are continuously adding new resources, we also hope that you will help contribute to keeping this database up-to-date. Get in touch with us to add new items by emailing secretariat@europeanevaluation.org.

Disclaimer: EES is not responsible for the authenticity, accuracy or quality of listed resources, articles etc.