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Governance – Core Functions

Governance – Core Functions

EES Strategic Management and Outreach

  • The President and the VP, with Past-President support EES policy directions
  • Design and oversee corporate strategy
  • Promote evaluation and its influence
  • Represent EES in major evaluation events and coordinate work of all BMs

Contact persons:


  • Promotes effective relationships with EU, NESE, IOCE, Evalpartners
  • Liaise with Evaluation Societies
  • NESE/IOCE, Balkans,
    CES+AEA, DeGEval,
    UNDP, SFI, EvalNet, UNEG

Contact persons:

  • Different Board members


  • Edits EuropEval Digest

Contact persons:


  • Timely and accurate accounting and auditing
  • Prudent financial management of EES and its conferences and all related events

Contact person:


  • Search for funding possibilitiess;
  • Bursaries for evaluators from developing countries
  • Bursaries for European evaluators

Marketing Strategy

  • Promotion and advocacy for EES activities, EES flyers, website use for marketing
  • Participation in European or international events

Contact persons:

Secretary General and Secretariat

  • Oversees all Secretariat activities
  • Ensures that EES operates within its charter and that statutory reports and minutes of meetings are kept
  • Acts as custodian of official documents and records

Contact person:

Website and Social Media

  • Designs and manages innovative ways of interacting with members, promoting the evaluation discipline and the role of EES

Contact persons:

Thematic Working Groups

  • 1 contact person to oversee each group:
    TWG Gender and Evaluation (KK)
    TWG Evaluating Sustainable Development (DL)
    TWG Private Sector Evaluation (TBD)
    TWG Professionalisation of Evaluation (WF, DL)
    TWG Emerging Evaluators (AL)
    TWG Methods and Designs (Estelle Raimondo)

Contact person:

  • See above

EES Strategic Management and Outreach

  • The President and the VP, with Past-President support EES policy directions
  • Design and oversee corporate strategy
  • Promote evaluation and its influence
  • Represent EES in major evaluation events and coordinate work of all BMs

Contact persons:


  • Promotes effective relationships with EU, NESE, IOCE, Evalpartners
  • Liaise with Evaluation Societies
  • NESE/IOCE (WF), Balkans (BdL),
    CES+AEA (DL, BdL), DeGEval (KK),
    UNDP (BdL), SFI (BdL, DL), EvalNet (BdL), UNEG (LF)

Contact persons:


  • Edits EuropEval Digest

Contact persons:


  • Timely and accurate accounting and auditing
  • Prudent financial management of EES and its conferences and all related events

Contact person:


  • Search for funding possibilitiess;
  • Bursaries for evaluators from developing countries
  • Bursaries for European evaluators

Contact persons:

Marketing Strategy

  • Promotion and advocacy for EES activities, EES flyers, website use for marketing
  • Participation in European or international events

Contact persons:

Secretary General and Secretariat

  • Oversees all Secretariat activities
  • Ensures that EES operates within its charter and that statutory reports and minutes of meetings are kept
  • Acts as custodian of official documents and records

Contact person:

Website and Social Media

  • Designs and manages innovative ways of interacting with members, promoting the evaluation discipline and the role of EES

Contact persons:

Thematic Working Groups

  • 1 contact person to oversee each group:
    TWG Gender and Evaluation (KK)
    TWG Evaluating Sustainable Development (DL)
    TWG Private Sector Evaluation (BdL)
    TWG Professionalisation of Evaluation (WF, DL)
    TWG Emerging Evaluators (AL)
    TWG Methods and Designs (Estelle Raimondo)

Contact person: