On-Line Trainings

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Policy on advertisement of on-line training courses: Publishing of solicitations for evaluation related events is free of charge. All publications are subject to prior approval, and only events with relevance to evaluation or related fields will be approved.

Disclaimer: EES is not responsible for the authenticity, accuracy or quality of on-line training opportunities.

If you wish to have your on-line training course added to the list below, please contact the EES Secretariat.

Evaluation – the fundamentals
When is it available?
Ann Murray Brown
  • M&E Academy
Available year round
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Funding
  • Advocay
  • Transparency
  • Leadership
Specific times in the year, check their website for updates
Class Central
  • Planning for Monitoring and Evaluation
Available year round
  • Results Measurement
Specific times in the year, check their website for updates
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Program strategy and Evaluation
Available year round
  • Facilitating Evaluation
  • Transformative Mixed-Methods Evaluation
  • Being an Evaluator
  • Evaluation Planning
Specific times in the year, check their website for updates
FAO elearning Academy
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
Specific times in the year, check their website for updates
GlobalHealth Learning Centre
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
All are available on-demand (not run on specific dates/
periods of time)
IMA International
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL)
Specific times in the year, check their website for updates
  • Online Monitoring Evaluation and Learning
Specific times in the year, check their website for updates
Measure Evaluation
  • M&E Fundamentals
Specific times in the year, check their website for updates
PME Academy
  • Certificate of Competence in Monitoring and Evaluation
Available year round
  • Over 20 evaluation training courses
  • View the schedule
Summer Program – July 20 – August 1, 2020
The Theory of Change
  • Theory of Change: From novice to master changemaker
  • An online course on ToC-thinking.
Available year round
  • Effective and Creative Evaluation Report Writing
  • Cutting Edge Monitoring & Evaluation: A Guide for Practitioners
  • How to be a Successful Evaluation Consultant: Parts 1-2
Available year round
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
Available year round
Evaluation – thematic
When is it available?
  • Feminist Evaluation
Specific times in the year, check their website for updates
  • Equity-Focused and Gender-Responsive Evaluations
  • National Evaluation Capacity Development for Country-led M&E Systems
  • Emerging Practices in Development Evaluations
  • Introduction to Evaluating Humanitarian Action
  • Advocating for Evaluation
  • Integrating Human Rights and Gender Equality in Evaluations
Available year round
Measure Evaluation
  • Economic Evaluation Basics
  • M&E Frameworks for HIV/AIDS Programs
  • Gender M&E
Specific times in the year, check their website for updates
  • Monitoring and evaluation of rural development projects
Available year round
PME Academy
  • Monitoring and Evaluation for Development Professionals
  • Monitoring and Evaluation for International Development
Available year round
  • Managing the Politics of Evaluation
  • Learning to Adapt: A Guide to Real-Time Evaluation and Adaptive Management
Available year round
USIP Academy
  • Design, Monitoring and Evaluation for Programming in Fragile Environments
Available year round
Skills related to evaluation
When is it available?
  • Social Research Methods
Available year around
Evergreen Data
  • Evergreen Data Visualization Academy
Specific times in the year, check their website for updates
IMA International
  • Project Monitoring Techniques
Specific times in the year, check their website for updates
Measure Evaluation
  • Data Quality
  • Data Use for Program Managers
  • GIS Techniques for M&E of HIV/AIDS and Related Programs
Specific times in the year, check their website for updates
United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC)
  • E-Learning Path on Evaluation Management

Enrolment deadline 31/12/21

Note: Only on-line training opportunities in English have been included in the list above.