13th EES Biennial Conference: Evaluation for more resilient societies

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Date(s) - 01/10/2018 - 05/10/2018
All Day


Location: Thessaloniki, Greece

Theme: Evaluation for more resilient societies

Conference website: http://www.ees2018.eu/ ,#EES2018

The 13th Biennial Conference was held from 1 to 5 October 2018 in Thessaloniki, Greece. The leading theme of the EES2018 Conference was “Evaluation for more resilient societies”. The Conference offered 5 days of debates on evaluation in times of financial, geopolitical, environmental and humanitarian crises.

After a decade of turbulence in Europe and the world, we needed to focus on the contribution from evaluation. Crises, inherently, lead to change, positive and negative. What is the role of evaluation in understanding the multiple crises currently ongoing? Which are our collective responses? How can evaluation help make societies more resilient? Evaluation for resilient societies was the leading theme of the EES2018 biennial conference. At the same time, the conference provided the traditional opportunities for exchanging on evaluation politics, capacity, systems, research, methods, communication and use.

The EES organised the Conference together with the Hellenic Evaluation Society in Thessaloniki, at the crossroads of continents, countries and cultures.  Greece is also facing complex economic problems, while remaining on the frontline of Europe’s asylum and migration challenges. The very word crisis originates in Greek language, where it means judgment or decision. So evaluation and crisis go hand in hand. We need good krisis, good judgment and critical thinking, to overcome the crisis. We need evaluation to deal with crisis. Greece represents the perfect stage to debate how evaluation may help societies in Europe and beyond respond to the challenges of crises.


Looking forward to have a more prominent role in the next conference? Why not volunteer and propose a new idea or conference format? We very much welcome contributions from anyone who has new ideas on how to improve the conference and introduce new features! There is also room for those who want to provide a more active support in the preparation and implementation of the conference. Remember EES is an organisation of volunteers. Therefore, the more hands we get the more we can do! Interested? Write to secretariat@europeanevaluation.org and we will get back to you!