EES Webinar Series: Evaluation in Turbulent Times: Navigating the Evolving Big Data Ecosystem

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Date(s) - 18/01/2021 - 19/01/2021
15:00 - 16:30


Evaluation in Turbulent Times: Navigating the Evolving Big Data Ecosystem: 18-19 January 2021, 15:00-16:30 CET / 9:00-10:30  ET

This panel of evaluation leaders will review cutting edge data science technologies for exploiting the huge volumes of increasingly diverse data generated by government agencies, donors, research institutions and non-profits, and examine the methodological, organisational, political and ethical challenges facing evaluators as they transition to the big data ecosystem.  The panel will also  discuss the organisational and strategic challenges facing evaluation offices as they adapt to the rapidly changing data landscapes and will draw lessons from how evaluation activities  are already being restructured to address the challenges of Covid-19.

Panelist 1: Peter York, Principal and Chief Data Scientist, BCT Partners:
Peter has over 20 years of experience as an evaluation consultant and researcher. For the past 8 years he has built predictive, prescriptive and causal evaluation models using large administrative data sets and machine learning algorithms in fields such as child welfare and workforce development.

Panelist 2: Oscar Garcia, Director, Independent Evaluation Office, UNDP:
Before joining UNDP, Oscar was the Director of the Independent Office of Evaluation of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).  With more than 25 years in the field of development cooperation, he is the author of several books and papers on development evaluation.

Panelist 3: Michael Bamberger, Independent Evaluation Consultant:
Michael possesses over 40 years of experience evaluating development programs around the world.  He has been working for the past few years on opportunities and challenges for the integration of big data into the monitoring and evaluation of development programs.  He also works on complexity-focused evaluations and how data science can strengthen these evaluations.

Panelist 4: Veronica Olazabal, Senior Advisor & Director, Measurement, Evaluation and Organizational Performance, The Rockefeller Foundation and President-elect, American Evaluation Association (AEA):
Veronica is an award-winning evaluator with a global portfolio ranging +15 years. She serves on various funding and advisory boards and has published on this topic in Evaluation.


Thanks to all who participated – to watch the recording please click here (for EES members only).