EES Webinar Series: Transforming Evaluation Evaluation for the Good Anthropocene

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Date(s) - 17/12/2020
16:20 - 18:20



Contributing to the good Anthropocene involves changing our relation to natural and human systems to foster ecological balances that would preserve life and biodiversity but also to create inclusive, equitable and resilient communities. How can evaluators contribute to this agenda? What approaches and frameworks can support evaluators in changing practices? What are promising approaches for the good Anthropocene? This event will be organized around short presentations including a period for live discussions and questions. Join us to make a divergence in these challenging times!


Elliot Stern is Emeritus Professor at Lancaster University. Elliot, who previously headed up a dedicated evaluation Unit at the Tavistock Institute, was also the founding President of the UK Evaluation Society and a past President of the European Evaluation Society. He is editor in chief of Evaluation.

Juha I. Uitto is Director of the Independent Evaluation Office of the Global Environment Facility. Prior to this position he was the Deputy Director of the Independent Evaluation Office of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) from 2009 to 2014. He holds a PhD in Social and Economic Geography.

Andy Rowe is a former President of the Canadian Evaluation Society. He has a PhD from the London School of Economics and has worked with many organizations as a consultant. Andy is a leading contributor to evaluation of sustainability and climate change and to evaluation of conflict resolution.

Weronika Felcis is a Secretary in IOCE Executive Committee, International Evaluation Academy Board member and a researcher at Latvian University focusing on adaptability and resilience of women in rural regions of Latvia. She completed her Permaculture Design Course in 2017 and co-leads a permaculture homestead in Latvia. She is also a current board member of the EES.

Khalil Bitar is the Chair of EvalYouth Global Network; Founder of the Palestinian Evaluation Association (PEA); and Co-leader of the Eval4Action Campaign. Khalil works as an (internal and external) evaluator and M&E specialist and is currently completing his doctoral degree at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy in Germany.

Astrid Brousselle is a professor and director of the School of Public Administration at the University of Victoria, Canada. Between 2015 and 2019, she was the French editor of the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation. She is a member of the editorial board of Evaluation and Program Planning.


Thanks to all who participated – to watch the recording please click here (for EES members only).



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