Membership Fees and Categories

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Membership fees and categories* are as follows:

EES Individual membership

Student membership fee rationale and conditions

The EES is a voluntary professional association which is supported mainly through its members’ contributions. The aim of the student membership reduced fee is to promote and support people doing studies in or related to evaluation and future/new evaluators.

The applicants interested in the Student membership category are kindly asked to provide the EES Secretariat ( with the following information and documentation before subscribing the Student membership:

  1. Name and contact details of the applicant
  2. Name of the University
  3. Type and name of the Study Program
  4. Start of the Study Program
  5. Duration of the Study Program
  6. Contact person from the University, who can vouch for the student’s status in the Study Program (reference or letter of recommendation)
  7. Proof/certificate of the student status from the University (e.g. pdf copy of original inscription at a University or attestation by a professor)

Once all the conditions are met (the documentation is reviewed and approved by the EES) the applicant will be contacted by the EES Secretariat. If the application process was successful, the applicant will be asked to proceed with the online Student membership subscription. The Student members are entitled to the same benefits as the Individual members. The Student membership category is subject to annual review and can be applied for a period of maximum 3 years.

EES Institutional membership

Discount on the EES membership fees for the members of the Canadian Evaluation Society

A reciprocal agreement with the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) on the membership disounts was approved by the EES Annual General Meeting on 13 December 2017. All CES members who are based in Canada and are CES members in good standing can become EES members at a reduced rate of 25% on all EES individual membership categories.

Please note: By choosing the discount membership fee at the online registration form you are confirming that you are  presently a paid member of the CES.  This may be verified at any time.

*The EES General Meeting of 18 November 2015  adopted a new EES individual membership fee structure, that became effective from 1 January 2016. The student and institutional membership fees are not concerned by these changes.