Presentation of TWG
Professionalism evokes expertise, credibility and concern for human welfare[1]. An occupational group cannot aspire to the professional label without public trust earned through ethical safeguards; proven capabilities; occupational self-management and credentials. To promote evaluation professionalism and to reach for excellence in evaluation practice this TWG aims to identify and promote collective actions needed within Europe and beyond. The challenge involves accelerating the harmonization of ethical, quality and capability standards, increasing the autonomy and independence of evaluators and helping to ensure that evaluators have the qualifications needed to perform quality work.
The ‘long march’ towards evaluation professionalization in Europe is well underway. There is still a long way to go and the EES thematic working group has contributed to progress along this road. TWG members recognize that evaluation has acquired distinctive characteristics as a discipline in its own right. It has developed a well-defined body of knowledge, a set of specialized skills and a host of ethical guidelines. It displays trans-disciplinary features that allow it to support all the social sciences through a well-stocked tool kit of proven methods and processes. Thankfully doctrinal conflicts that held back cohesive progress in the evaluation community have largely abated and evaluation associations are growing in number and influence.
In line with its mandate the Professionalization TWG has validated an evaluation capabilities framework, which lays out the knowledge, experience and dispositions required to do good evaluation work (EES Surveys).
[1] Robert Picciotto, The logic of evaluation professionalism, Evaluation, 17(2) 165-180, April 2011
Objectives of TWG
The primary objective is to promote professionalization of evaluation within the EES. In order to support this, the TWG4 2020 agenda is:
- Develop ethical guidelines
- Develop a plan for evaluation training, first researching what is already available
- Revive the mentorship program
- Support website development
- Contribute to planning of the EES 2021 conference
Specific Contact Person in the EES Board
Daniele Lamarque
List of TWG members (EES members in good standing)
Najla Alduraihim Email contact |
Kwaku Arhin-Sam Email contact |
Maqbul Bhuiyan Email contact |
Maria Bustelo Email contact |
Aida El-Khoury de Paula Email contact |
Susanne Giel Email contact |
Dagmar Gombitova Email contact |
Channa Gunawardena Email contact |
Liisa Horelli Email contact |
Crhistian Hugues Email contact |
Volodymyr Kuprii Email contact |
Luis Eduardo Lacerda Email contact |
Daniele Lamarque Email contact |
Wolfgang Meyer Email contact |
Bob Picciotto Email contact |
Romeo Banez Santos Email contact |
Elsa de Morais Sarmento Email contact |
Fabrizio Tenna Email contact |
Jos Vaessen Contact email |
Krisjanis Veitners Email contact |
Lauren Weiss Email contact |
Current Work Plan
To be added soon…
Resources to download
Additional resources for TWG members only
- Minutes of Nov. 24, 2019 meeting
Other links
The Voluntary Evaluator Peer Review (VEPR) focuses on providing personalised professional development to evaluators, across all evaluation roles. It provides rigorous, confidential, non-judgmental peer support from highly experienced, senior evaluation practitioners.
More information can be obtained here: