Journals in the Field of Evaluation

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Evaluation: The International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice

The journal Evaluation launched in 1995, has always had a close association with the EES, publishing EES Special Issues following each EES conference. It is available online to EES members as part of their membership package. Evaluation publishes fully refereed articles and aims to advance the theory, methodology and practice of evaluation. We favour articles that bridge theory and practice whether through generalizable and exemplary cases or theoretical and methodological innovation.

Journal Description

Over the last two decades, evaluation has become a major issue for academics, governmental and public organizations and businesses throughout the world. This has, however, resulted in a body of knowledge scattered across disciplines, professions and countries.

To promote dialogue internationally and to build bridges within this expanding field, Evaluation: The International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice was launched in July 1995.

Evaluation is interdiciplinary, bringing together contributions from across the social sciences and related disciplines, including, but not limited to:

  • politics, economics and public administration
  • psychology, sociology and anthropology
  • education, health and law
  • information science and information technology

The journal publishes multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and issue-based contributions.

Evaluation encourages dialogue between different evaluation traditions such as program evaluation, technology assessment, auditing, value-added studies, policy evaluation and quality assessment.

The journal also bridges domains where evaluation is currently taking place, including:

  • education, science and technology policy
  • criminal justice
  • healthcare and social services
  • vocational training
  • regional development

Edited from a European base, Evaluation is an international journal which promotes exchange between European, North American, Asian and Australasian voices within the evaluation community

Evaluation is available on SAGE Journals Online.

Evaluation Journal – ONLINE ACCESS

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