#EES2018 Bursary Recipients – Reflections

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By Nozipho Ngwabi (South Africa)

The EES bursary to the 13th European Evaluation Society Conference 2018 in Greece gave me an opportunity to present my Masters research findings and gain more understanding of the evaluation community. The conference theme of ‘evaluation for more resilient societies’ facilitated presentations that helped me gain more perspective about the work we have done as evaluators and the evaluation gaps that still need to be addressed for the purpose of sustainability and social justice for the communities we serve. As a researcher and PhD in Evaluation studies student, I have a more in-depth understanding of the evaluation gaps to look for, and as a board member of the South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association, I am excited to share the lessons I learnt with my local evaluation community. Thank you EES! It was an honor to represent my own community and build international networks with other evaluation communities.


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