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About EES

The EES was initiated in 1992 and registered in 1996 as a non-profit association. The first official board was elected in autumn 1995 and started its work in January 1996. Since the start of the Society, it has organized thirteen biennial conferences in as many European countries..

The mandate of the European Evaluation Society (EES) is to stimulate, guide and promote the theory, practice and utilization of evaluation in Europe and beyond.

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The 14th EES Biennial Conference, 6-10 June 2022

EES Conference in 2022 will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark. More info here.

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Evaluation Journal

The journal publishes fully refereed papers and aims to advance the theory, methodology and practice of evaluation.

EuropEval Digest

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Learn from other Evaluation Societies

Look at our compilation of evaluation standards, glossaries, guidelines, tools and checklists.

P2P+ Career Sessions

Promotion of knowledge exchange among focal groups of young and emerging evaluators.

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What we’re reading in January: Innovation, Institutions, Forced Migration and Miscommunication

Evaluation and Innovation in a complex world | by UNDP Innovation | Dec, 2021 | Medium This blog by Oscar Garcia, Director of UNDP’s Independent Evaluation Office, was published at the close of last year but is a good look at the innovations, opportunities and...

What we’re reading in December: 2021 Nobel Laureates, Systems Change and Mainstreaming Environmental and Social concerns

Where next in the quest for better evidence — after this year's picks for the Nobel Prize in Economics  The 2021 Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded jointly to...

International Migrants Day: Climate Migrants are on the Rise By Daria Blinova, yEES! member

History shows that humanity has always been on the move. However, climate change and environmental degradation affect almost every aspect of our life more and more. This, in turn, induces human mobility: people have to migrate from their homes to unknown destinations...

Evaluating the work of multilateral organizations’ response to COVID-19: emerging lessons and good practices from FAO’s early response

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme (RRP) in July of 2020 with the aim of enhancing its coordination in response to the crisis and its related resource mobilization. Conceived as an...

What we’re reading in November: Evaluating Climate policy after COP26

How evidence from randomized evaluations can inform climate finance at COP26  By the time of COP26, something of a consensus had emerged that the...

Women in Rural Development: Integrating a gender dimension into policies for rural areas in Europe

Situation of women in rural areas in Europe Women play a major role in civil society and economic growth in rural areas. They help to maintain vibrant rural areas and communities, and viable farm businesses. Women act in the rural economy as farmers, workers in...

Antibiotics Awareness Week 2021: The cost of worldwide misconceptions about antibiotics

In order to stay healthy, one should know where, when, and how to seek high-quality medical treatment. However, among various types of medications and tons of information available on the Internet nowadays it is difficult to distinguish the options that may work best...

Transformation is hard but evaluation can help

Transformation is hard but evaluation can help; how evaluators can contribute to the development of a multi-agency advisory service (MAAS) to support innovators with the development of AI and data-driven solutions for health and social care By Tom Ling, EES...

Expanding the evaluators’ toolkit of evaluation methods. Examples from real-world interventions across the UN system

Introduction Choosing the appropriate evaluation method is a pre-requisite for credible, independent and useful evaluations in the United Nations and beyond. On 8th September, the UN Evaluation Group presented at the 2021 European Evaluation Society Conference the...

What we’re reading in October: World Food Day, Corruption, Demography and Financial Inclusion

Evaluation synthesis: an added boost to corporate learning Most large organisations face a problem of knowledge creation that is subsequently underused and miscommunicated, even internally.  Major research projects...

Resources on Evaluation and Covid-19

In light of these unprecedented times with the outbreak of Covid-19, we are all having to adapt our daily lives and practice social distancing. Even once the pandemic is over, many sectors will continue to have to adjust their ways of working.




What Elinor Ostrom Teaches Us About Avoiding the ‘Tragedy of the Commons’ in Delivering the Public Interest in the Post COVID-19 World
Resources on Evaluation and Covid-19



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